How to fix the “ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT” error in Google Chrome

The err_connection_timed_out error is very common among Chrome users. It is an error that occurs when a script on a website exceeds the maximum timeout value that had been set by the site’s owner. If the server does not come back with a response for 30-60 seconds, the connection will be refused and this message will appear. The script might still run in the background, but the client will not see the page load.

ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error message in Google Chrome

The heading of the error message screen will either say “This site can’t be reached” or “This webpage is not available”.

What causes the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error in Google Chrome?

There are a number of problems which can cause this error, for example:

  • limited Internet connection
  • invalid URL
  • server delay or error
  • incorrect settings

Unfortunately, the error message itself does not give you any info as to what is the cause, all you can do is try different solutions and hope that one of them will work.

Proven methods to fix the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error

We will start with simpler, more obvious methods and move towards more complicated ones, so it is recommended to try them in this order.

Restart your router

Unplug your router’s power cord. Wait 30 seconds before you replug it. Check if the error has cleared.

Make sure your Chrome is up-to-date and the right version

An outdated browser can cause compatibility issues and errors like “err_connection_timed_out”. To check your Chrome version do the following:

  1. Click on the Menu button, then Help>About Google Chrome.
About Google Chrome menu
  1. This will automatically make Chrome check for updates. If there is an update to install, you will have to restart Chrome.
Relaunching Chrome

Check if this solved your problem. If it didn’t, you will need to take more steps to fix it.

Clear browsing data and cache

  1. Click on the Menu button, then select More tools> Clear browser data.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select All time.
  3. Check all 3 checkboxes, then click on Clear data.
Clear Chrome browsing data.

If this did not clear the error, there is probably something wrong with the settings. Try the following options.

Check Firewall and antivirus settings

Firewall and antivirus software will protect you, but sometimes they fuss unnecessarily over content they find dangerous, and that can cause the “err_connection_timed_out” error that you see in the browser. If you trust the website, you can try disabling this protection temporarily. Here is how to do it in Windows 10:

  1. Type “firewall” in the search bar and click Open.
Open Windows Defender Firewall
  1. Click Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off.
Turn Windows Defender Firewall off
  1. Uncheck Block all incoming connections under Windows Defender Firewall.
Uncheck Block all incoming connections
  1. Click OK. Check if you can access the website now. If this is not the case, repeat the steps, but instead of unblocking connections, disable the firewall entirely.
Disable the firewall temporarily

If you are using a third party antivirus, disable that too, then check if you can now access the desired website. If this didn’t solve the problem, time to look at your computer’s settings.

Disable extensions

Chrome extensions are products of third parties, not of Google itself. This means that not all of them are reliable, and sometimes they can cause you issues such as the “err_connection_timed_out” error you are trying to solve.

  1. Click on the Menu button, then choose More tools>Extensions.
  2. Make sure all your extensions are up to date.
Chrome extension settings
  1. Disable all of them, then check if the website loads. If it does, one of your extensions is to blame. Turn them on one by one to find the culprit, then remove that one.
Disable all Chrome extensions

If this didn’t solve your problem, the best you can do is to reinstall Chrome.

Disable proxy settings

Proxy servers help you protect your privacy by acting as an intermediary between your browser and other web servers. They allow you to go online while keeping your IP address secret, and filtering communication between servers.

However, the web server might reject the proxy server based on its IP address, leading to the err_connection_timed_out error. Even if the proxy is functioning correctly, faulty configurations or errors are possible. This is why it’s worth disabling the proxy temporarily.

Chrome has an easy way for you to do that.

  1. Click on Menu>Settings.
Chrome settings
  1. Choose System under Advanced.
Chrome Advanced settings
  1. Click Open proxy settings. This will take you to the settings of your computer.
Open computer's proxy settings
  1. Toggle the Use a proxy server into Off.
Turn proxy server off

Check if the error persists. If so, you will need to dig deeper into your computer’s settings.

Disable IPv6

IPv6 is a communication protocol on the internet. It is the most recent version currently available, and it is intended to replace IPv4 one day. The two protocols, however, are not interoperable, therefore it can cause issues with connections.

This is how you can disable IPv6 to check if this is the culprit:

  1. Click the Start button, then in the search bar, type “ncpa.cpl” and click Run as administrator.
Opening network control panel item
  1. You will have to confirm your choice.
Run as administrator confirmation window
  1. The Network Connections window appears. Right-click on the connection you are using, then choose Properties.
Choosing Ethernet properties
  1. Uncheck the box next to Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6).
Disabling IPv6
  1. Click OK.
  2. Restart your computer to apply the change.

Try if you can access the site now. If it still doesn’t work, there are still a number of options you can try.

Flush DNS

This method resets the IP address configurations of your computer. It is possible that the website you are trying to reach has changed. By clearing the stored data from your operating system you might be able to fix this error.

  1. Type „cmd” in the search bar at the bottom of the screen. This brings up the Command Prompt, where you can give direct commands to your computer.
  2. Click „Run as administrator”.
Open the Command Prompt with administrator privileges
  1. The command line shows up. Type „ipconfig /flushdns” and hit Enter. This flushes the DNS and should then give you the message „Successfully flushed DNS Resolver Cache”.
ipconfig /flushdns command
  1. Then type „ipconfig /release” and hit Enter. This causes the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server to take away the IP address assigned to your computer. We will get it back in the next step.
ipconfig /release command
  1. Now type „ipconfig /renew” and hit Enter. This makes the DHCP server assign your computer a new IP address (quite possibly the same as the old one).
ipconfig /renew command

You can close the command prompt now. Try if the error has cleared. If this is not the case, you might have to change your DNS server, as it may have gone offline.

Change the DNS server

Your Internet provider probably assigned a DNS server to you automatically. However, this server may be temporarily down, or it may be overloaded which leads to the err_connection_timed_out error. In this case, switching to a more robust server will help fix your issue.

Here’s how you can change your DNS server:

  1. Click Start>Settings>Network & Internet.
Windows settings
  1. Select the type of connection you have (if you are not sure, check the Status menu).
Network&internet settings
  1. Click „Change adapter options”.
Change adapter options
  1. You might see several connections. Right-click the one you are using, then choose Properties.
Properties of Ethernet connection
  1. Choose the Internet Protocol Version you have (IPv4 or IPv6). After you made your choice, click Properties.
Internet Protocol properties
  1. Change the radio button selection to „Use the following DNS server addresses” then insert the address of your chosen DNS server and press OK.
DNS address properties

Some good and free DNS options include Google ( and, OpenDNS ( and and Cloudflare ( and If you have been using one of these and you still got this error, try reverting to your internet provider’s default server, as sometimes that might fix the issue.

You have changed your DNS server. Try accessing the desired website now. If it still doesn’t load, you can change some Chrome settings.

Modify Windows hosts file

Every computer has a local hosts file, which stores the DNS entries mapped to specific IP addresses. This file may be edited incorrectly, preventing you from accessing the site you want to visit.

This method will only work if the error is related to a single website. You are advised to check if this is the case by trying to access a different website from Chrome. If you have this problem with only one site, take the following steps:

  1. First you need to make sure you are running your text editor as an admin. Click the Start button, then put Notepad in the search bar. Click Run as administrator.
Run Notepad as administrator
  1. You will have to confirm your choice.
Run as administrator confirmation window
  1. Click File, then choose Open.
Open file in Notepad
  1. Find the following location on your computer: C:\\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. Click on the hosts file and choose Open.
Windows hosts file in folder
  1. Check that the website you are trying to access is not listed in the file. If it is, go ahead and delete it, then save the file.
Editing hosts file in Notepad

Run in compatibility mode

The website you are trying to reach might have run into compatibility issues. To clear this error, take the following steps:

  1. On your Desktop, find the Chrome icon, right-click it, then choose Troubleshoot compatibility.
Troubleshooting Chrome compatibility
  1. In the window that pops up, choose Troubleshoot program.
Troubleshooting Chrome compatibility
  1. Check the option The program earlier versions of Windows but won’t install or run now, then click Next.
Troubleshooting selection window
  1. Choose one of the Windows versions.
Selecting Windows 8 version
  1. Click on Test the program, which will open Chrome in compatibility version. Check if it works, then click Next in the troubleshooting window.
Testing program compatibility
  1. If it works, click Yes, save these settings for this program. If the site still doesn’t load, you can go back and try with other Windows versions.
Saving compatibility settings

Try a VPN

Virtual Private Network (VPN) software allows you to connect to the Internet through a server in a different geographical region. If the website you were trying to visit is hosted in a different country, this might solve the issue.


The methods above should have helped you fix the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error in Chrome. We hope this article has been helpful. Let us know in the comments what worked for you!

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